How to Deal with Kratom Constipation

Natural remedies such as a high fiber diet, daily prune consumption, and utilizing mineral oil will cure your Kratom related constipation.

The reasons why this physical manifestation occurs are pretty straightforward. Painkillers and analgesics are known to have a tendency to cause constipation. For someone who is not taking any herbal remedies or any medications, the intestinal tract moves and pushes the food through intestines at a steady pace. When taking opiate painkillers or, in this particular case, kratom, constipation occurs because movements in the intestinal tract slow down, and in some cases, they even stop completely.

Since food is traveling at a slower pace, the intestinal tract gives the body the ability to absorb more water from the food, and that results in a much harder and denser stool. This kind of stool is more difficult to, well, manage, and the result is constipation, which is closely connected to discomfort, stomach pain and difficulties when going to the bathroom. There are several remedies that you can use to avoid constipation caused by kratom, so read on and find out how to deal with this problem.


Using Mineral Oil


Mineral oil is a good and effective method for preventing constipation, but it is not that effective if you use it too late. It serves as a laxative lubricant, and at the same time, it lowers the body’s ability to absorb liquids, by coating the intestines from the inside. This will make the stool softer. You can eat mineral oil with some pudding or you can take it on its own, one to two hours after your meal. Do not take it before the meal because this can cause problems with the absorption of nutrients. Dosages vary depending on body size, but on average, you can take four to five tablespoons, twice a day.


Drinking More Liquids

Constipation can be solved with a little over-absorption of water. Drinking a lot of water can help you fix this situation. Let’s face it, only a small amount of people drink their recommended 8 glasses of water every day. So, make sure that you consume this amount of water at least, and even more if you can. This will help you to relieve the symptoms of constipation.


Using Fiber

If you have a diet that is low in fiber and high in dairy products, then you are more prone to constipation because these foods lead to a very dense stool. Consuming more fiber is effective in relieving the symptoms of constipation caused by kratom and this results in much easier bowel movements. Make sure to drink more water when you are adding fiber to your diet.


Get the Right Dosage of Kratom


One way of avoiding constipation caused by kratom is to get the right dosage. If you are experiencing some of the negative effects when using kratom, the chances are that you are taking too much of it. Try to scale back your dosage and see if the symptoms will change. If you are taking over 10 grams every day, it can be possible that you have built a tolerance. The most effective way to get rid of that tolerance is to take a break from kratom for a certain period of time. Maybe switching to another strain can also help. Try adjusting the dosage or switch to another strain, and if that doesn’t help, try the things we mentioned above.


Over The Counter Laxatives

There are several over the counter laxatives available and all of them are effective in treating constipation caused by kratom. This can work in two ways; it can cause irritation in the intestines and prompt bowel movement, or prompt osmosis, which practically means getting your water back and restoring the moisture that was previously lost.

If you use kratom regularly, you can experience the problem of chronic constipation, and that can be a real big deal, but if you use kratom occasionally, you can solve this issue by trying one of the suggestions we have given you above, before the condition becomes worse.


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