Kratom Withdrawal Management

What We Know About Kratom Withdrawal


kratom withdrawal symptoms

Many people believe that Kratom withdrawal will be an awful, horrific experience to endure. In actuality, most users that have stopped taking Kratom experience little to no symptoms. Of course, any drug — whether it’s alcohol or even sugar — can cause some form of withdrawal, but many consider their Kratom withdrawal to be similar to coffee withdrawal; they may crave it, but it’s not the end of the world.

However, it’s important to note that there may be some unwanted effects to stopping after long term, heavy usage. We have listed some variables below that may factor in to why someone might feel uncomfortable when putting an end to their Kratom use abruptly.

Your Dosage: If you are frequently taking huge doses of Kratom on a daily basis for a long period of time, this will certainly increase your chances of having unwanted withdrawal effects. Much like just about anything you put in your body, it is vital to practice moderation. If you were to drink a 2 liter of soda everyday for 6 months and then stop abruptly you would most certainly have very awful sugar withdrawal. While it is not advised to take Kratom everyday, even a daily user can lessen withdrawal or avoid it altogether by practicing moderation. It’s important to find a dosage that works for you.

The Way You Stopped: If you go from regular usage to stopping cold turkey, you are much more likely to have annoying withdrawal symptoms than if you were to ease out of it over a few weeks. We would not recommend that any regular user, especially those that take large doses, stop abruptly. No matter the drug, going cold turkey can confuse your body, which can lead to adverse effects, both emotionally and physically. If you want to quit using Kratom, try cutting down first. Weaning yourself off day-by-day will empower you to reach your goal without startling your body or upsetting your mind.

Kratom Abuse: Taking massive doses of Kratom is not advised. While it can be a great pain-reliever, it could lead to a “Kratom hangover” and contribute to bad withdrawal symptoms, which may give you the “hair-of-the-dog” mindset that can lead to a cycle of addiction.

It is relatively simple to avoid Kratom withdrawal all together. But sometimes moderation is easier said than done, and we may find ourselves in a position where we are at risk for withdrawal. Nonetheless, Kratom withdrawal symptoms are very light and do not last for more than 4 to 5 days. Not so bad, right? Listed below are some of the most common symptoms of Kratom withdrawal when going cold turkey.

  • Nausea
  • Stomach Pain After Eating
  • Anxiety
  • Mood Swings
  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Constipation
  • Body Soreness
  • Insomnia

Getting Through the Withdrawal

As we stated above, the negative effects of abruptly stopping Kratom use typically only last 4 to 5 days, sometimes less. The most effective way to avoid all these bad symptoms is to taper off. Reduce your dosage by 10% or 20% until you are no longer taking it. If this is not an option for you, there are a few tricks you can use to make the symptoms more manageable. If you are experiencing constipation during Kratom withdrawal, try eating more fiber or taking a psyllium husk supplement (Metamucil). If you cannot sleep, try taking Melatonin or Valerian Extract before bed. For any pain, Tylenol or Aleve should do the trick. For stomach issues, try eating lighter meals that agree with you. Nothing too greasy or packed with preservatives and nasty chemicals. Imodium is also helpful, if needed. A great way to manage your withdrawal is by revitalizing your system through healthy eating and engaging in light physical exercise.

responsible kratom use

However, as always, the best defense against Kratom withdrawal and Kratom dependency is moderation.







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