PubMed Kratom Research

Real Scientific Research on PubMed Reveals Benefits of Kratom & Busts Many Myths

PubMed Kratom Research

There are many herbal solutions out there that are very effective at curing ailments. Some are useful for your whole body, others are specifically effective with localized problems; it all depends from case to case. Kratom is one of such solution. It is fairly effective for a variety of health problems, but there are some precautions you should take while you are using this substance. But first, let’s dig into the history of this herb.

What is Kratom?

What is Kratom?

This is a tall plant, is indigenous to the country of Thailand. It also grows in parts of Indochina and certain Malaysian regions. The plant has a long history of use for healing purposes, and was used in Asia to fend off numerous health problems among the population. It was used to battle fatigue and improve workers’ productivity levels. Additionally, Kratom was used in the prevention of opioid withdrawal and against diarrhea, chronic pain and coughing. It is also positively affects the user’s mood and motivation levels. An interesting fact about the plant is that it was banned in Thailand, as it dramatically reduced tax income acquired from opium sales.

PubMed research studies

There are several studies found on the PubMed website that confirm the efficiency of this substance. It is interesting to see all the positive things it is connected with.

  • First of all, the plant was wrongfully said to seriously affect cognitive and social abilities. Luckily, a study conducted in Malaysia has reached interesting results. 293 regular kratom users were included in the study, a majority of which are long term, chronic kratom users. The study found that people were in no way socially and cognitively impaired.
  • A case study involving a 43-year-old man showed interesting results in kratom use and its relatedness with opioid withdrawal. The man was suffering from severe chronic pain, caused by thoracic outlet syndrome, which worsened over time, as he built up tolerance to hydromorphone. Desperately looking for a better solution, he came across kratom and started using it to battle the chronic pain he was experiencing. His pain started to go away, as he started relying to the substance. However, a minor complication occurred at some point, when the patient started using modafinil. The study confirms that kratom is very efficient with preventing chronic pain. However, it is very important to pay attention when relying on other medicine while using this substance, as this can cause numerous problems.
  • A recent study claims that there are several positive effects of kratom use. It is reported that the users who used it for self-treatment purposes found that their mood had been drastically improved. Additionally, kratom also helped with anxiety reduction and severe pain reduction. Most importantly, kratom was found to be very helpful with opioid withdrawal management. This is a very important study, as it confirms all the positive effects of this plant and how it can help people in the US, where kratom is used by millions of people.

PubMed research studies

All these things point to how effective kratom actually is. It all depends on the patient’s needs. However, it is very important to pay attention not to take different medications and substances with it, because it may cause a variety of problems. So, make sure you are well informed before taking this powerful remedy. If you are struggling with keeping your focus, or if you are suffering from chronic pain, this incredible substance can certainly help you. Additionally, it is perfect for gaining more energy, as many people compare its effects to those of caffeine.

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