In What Way Does Kratom Affect the Liver?


Many remedies and medications are known to have an impact on the liver, and this is why many of you may wonder whether Kratom causes liver damage or any other harmful effect on this vital organ. The liver is an organ that is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdominal cavity. This organ serves as a filter and it removes the toxins form the body and, at the same time, filters the blood and processes nutrients like minerals and vitamins, together with glucose, protein and cholesterol.

Drugs, medications and certain foods and substances like alcohol place a strain on the liver, so the organ has to work more to process all of those substances and filter out the toxins. The liver is the only organ that can self-repair and regrow. But, does Kratom cause damage to the liver? This question is relevant because of the fact that many people use Kratom as pain relief and when withdrawing from certain opiates.

Is Kratom Bad For The Liver?

Mitragyna speciosa or Kratom comes in many forms and that includes oils, resin, capsules, powder and powder extract, and all of them are derived from the Kratom leaves. Kratom is used for many effects, and that includes relaxation, energy, sedation and pain relief. Kratom can also be used for self-weaning off pain medications and even heroin, because it eases the withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, nausea, aches and vomiting.

Kratom has opiate-like properties, but it is not an opiate drug. Kratom has active ingredients, alkaloids and the primary ones are mitragynine, which is a stimulant, and 7-hydroxymitragynine that is analgesic and sedative. These alkaloids are the ones that impact opioid receptors in the brain, the same way opiate drugs and pain medications do.

Is Kratom Safe And Does It Impact The Liver In A Bad Way?


The answer is no; Kratom does not cause any liver damage if it is used in correct dosages. There are no studies that show a link between liver damage and Kratom. There is only one case, a non-fatal one, of liver damage which happen with the ingestion of powdered Kratom. This first and only case was reported in a medical article in the year 2011, where a 25 year old man from Germany developed intrahepatic cholestasis after taking extremely large doses of Kratom powder over the period of two weeks.

The components of Kratom, including alkaloids, are all processed through the liver, because this organ is a filter that is converting useful substances and turning them into the form that the body can use, and other substances that are not useful are filtered and expelled from the body.

In recommended doses, Kratom will not affect the liver in any way, but in extremely high doses, doses far beyond what anyone would even ingest in one day, Kratom can place a certain strain on the liver. But this is only if you take extremely large dosages. The bottom line is, Kratom will not place any strain on the liver and there is nothing out there that suggests that regular usage will put you in any health risks.

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